It is a continuation of the proposal of >>283
Currently, the problem has occurred in the response from the au-net(au-SmartPhone)
【au】 au-net.ne.jp 規制解除要望スレ 【スマホ】217
It is about the cause of this problem.
au-SmartPhone has owned private addresses do not own the global IP.
Source(Japanese Site):
It is in the state more than one user owns the global IP of one.
There are currently regulated under BBx 2ch.
Therefore, global IP of one becomes BBx, many people will be regulated at the same time automatically
as-SmartPhone Bad user(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userA(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userB(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userC(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userD(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
BBx can be avoided by changing the global IP.
This is the case of bad user successfully exploited it.
Changing the global IP address of the smart phone is very easy.
as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244140.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244141.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244142.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244144.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userA(KD182249244140.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userB(KD182249244141.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userC(KD182249244142.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userD(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userE(KD182249244144.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
In other words, bad au-SmartPhone users 1 person is driven into the regulations a lot of people.
au-SmartPhone it to identify the global IP address is impossible
So the only way to identify a Be system.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47
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