>>15 English translation
# new categories to be created
[current category]
manga and novels
[NEW category]
animation and manga
[boards] (directories)
comicnews asaloon anime4vip anime anime2 anime3
antianime ranime ranimeh animovie anichara
anichara2 cosp cosplayer voice voiceactor doujin comiket
csaloon comic rcomic ymag wcomic gcomic 4koma
cchara sakura eva cartoon iga
lovelive yugioh
There are many boards about animation and manga shown above,
so gathering them and creating new category is very covenient.
Lots of users have required this new categoy.
However, dividing them is not reccomended because they are closely related.
[current category]
manga and novels
[NEW category]
literary works and books
[boards] (directories)
bookall magazin mystery sf cyberpunk
litechara zassi books ebooks ehon juvenile
There are many boards about print media.
So, gathering them and creating new category is very covenient.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2017/02/18(土) 02:37:54.01ID:tWdAjmqR0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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