>>17 English translation
# categories to be shifted
[current category]
manga and novels
[suitable category]
category chat
[board(s)] (directory)
Basically, Idolmaster is a kind of video games.
And most users of this board enjoys about stuffs of this game.
That means this board is suitable to 'games' category, not 'manga and novels'.
This is caused by selfish and childish users of board 'aimasu'.
They said just like following below.
'We can't accept board 'aimasu' as a board for Idolmaster!
It is created by Jim's arbitrary decision, and name of directory isn't 'idolmaster'!
Create board for Idolmaster with genuine name(='idolmaster')!'
Thus board 'idolmaster' has been created, but it has detained in wrong category.
However, shifting it to 'games' category is not suitable because board 'aimasu' is
already detained there.
Contents of board 'idolmaster' are stuffs of game(main), animation, and derivative works.
So, lax category... 'category chat' is suitable.
[current category]
manga and novels
[suitable category]
category chat
[board(s)] (directory)
Magical girls are not only in animation, manga, novels, also in games and so on.
Actually, threads about charactors of toho(a kind of video game) can be found.
All of them should be detained in this board.
So, lax category... 'category chat' is suitable.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2017/02/18(土) 02:39:08.92ID:tWdAjmqR0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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