>>25-26=ID:6EYnkSpP0 is a troll.
And this guy had collapsed threads for several times at antianime board.
The record is this.
According to these logs, you can find that guy is no worthy to trust.
Because that guy is a liar just like Koreans.
Whatever nonsense troll says, we should ignore.
That troll always loves deranging and collapsing discussion.
2016/06/21(Tue) 22:17:54.70
If ya allow me collapse this thread, I'll never do it again. I declare.
Please make sure I'll do it only in this thread.
2016/06/21(Tue) 22:21:35.61
I declare again. I collapse only this thread.
I'll never do it again, so please do it with me, ev'ryone.
2016/12/04(Sun) 10:15:07.44
Never mind, I'll collapse this thread only. I'll never do it again.
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2017/09/04(月) 16:15:04.59ID:h0L2vSS30
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