CloudFlare system status
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2018/05/31(木) 01:20:41.73ID:14yJ3FpA0261High Sierra Sky ★
2019/01/15(火) 15:26:11.05ID:CAP_USER9 For example on swallow,
2019/01/15 06:12:16 [error] 92649#100187: *5201399 limiting connections by zone "addr", client: *Client_IP_address*, server: swallow.5ch.net, request: "POST /test/bbs.cgi?guid=ON HTTP/1.1"
2019/01/15 06:12:16 [error] 92652#100327: *5215210 limiting connections by zone "addr", client: *Client_IP_address*, server: swallow.5ch.net, request: "POST /test/bbs.cgi?guid=ON HTTP/1.1"
2019/01/15 06:12:17 [error] 92652#100327: *5215210 limiting connections by zone "addr", client: *Client_IP_address*, server: swallow.5ch.net, request: "POST /test/bbs.cgi?guid=ON HTTP/1.1"
So you guy posts many time on one time.
Please cool down yourself.
2019/01/15 06:12:16 [error] 92649#100187: *5201399 limiting connections by zone "addr", client: *Client_IP_address*, server: swallow.5ch.net, request: "POST /test/bbs.cgi?guid=ON HTTP/1.1"
2019/01/15 06:12:16 [error] 92652#100327: *5215210 limiting connections by zone "addr", client: *Client_IP_address*, server: swallow.5ch.net, request: "POST /test/bbs.cgi?guid=ON HTTP/1.1"
2019/01/15 06:12:17 [error] 92652#100327: *5215210 limiting connections by zone "addr", client: *Client_IP_address*, server: swallow.5ch.net, request: "POST /test/bbs.cgi?guid=ON HTTP/1.1"
So you guy posts many time on one time.
Please cool down yourself.
2019/01/15(火) 15:40:57.47ID:oLSEGDIu0 >>261
Then, your system or Cloudflare gateway may have an issue.
our request tcp segment could be divided into 3 peaces
and it means gateway might have sent requests for 3 peaces somehow.
I ran wireshark on my pc and I knew it was somehow divided into segments.
Then, your system or Cloudflare gateway may have an issue.
our request tcp segment could be divided into 3 peaces
and it means gateway might have sent requests for 3 peaces somehow.
I ran wireshark on my pc and I knew it was somehow divided into segments.
2019/01/15(火) 15:41:16.49ID:PXxoU8YH0 No swallow,
You have to fix it so that it can be written on the board of "asahi", "hebi" from the personal computer!!
You have to fix it so that it can be written on the board of "asahi", "hebi" from the personal computer!!
264High Sierra Sky ★
2019/01/15(火) 15:47:00.94ID:CAP_USER9■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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