245 Grape Ape ★ (★ **b8-StpO) 2016/02/17(水) 20:45:35.07 ID:CAP_USER*
【板名】(Board name)
こんな板が欲しい 【新板申請所(正式)】 ★4
こんな板が欲しい 【新板申請所(正式)】 ★5
2020/12/26(土) 10:40:47.78ID:bUim6MvV0109動け動けウゴウゴ5ちゃんねる
2022/10/12(水) 21:16:20.76ID:eINmZ3Im0 AIカテゴリそのものとAI総合・仮想空間話題の板が必要とされています。
【板名】(Board name) AI・メタバース AI Metaverse
【理由】(Reason) 各板にジャンル含めバラバラにあるので統合された板が欲しい。ユーザー目線でAIについてあらゆる内容を語れる板が欲しい。黎明期なので発展のためにもカテゴリ分けをはじめからやらず統合した方がユーザーの意識と情報を可視化できる。AIと融合を果たした未来からすると実質同じものと考えられますが、今の時点ではAI・メタバース板としてセットにした方が現状に合っているかと思います。技術とユーザーの意向が統合され、壁なく反映される未来を目指します。
【内容】(Contents) 各種分野のAIの話題、技術的なものより話題雑談の方が需要があると思われるので、PCカテゴリでなくネット関連に。雑談板に立ててしまうと雑談のみになってしまう事を懸念、YouTube板がメタバースの関連から近いと考えられますが一番いいのはAIカテゴリそのものに収束させる事です。そのぐらい大きいテーマになるものです。
【フォルダ】(Folder) aimetaverse
【カテゴリ】(Category) AIとして新設
【板名】(Board name) AI・メタバース AI Metaverse
【理由】(Reason) 各板にジャンル含めバラバラにあるので統合された板が欲しい。ユーザー目線でAIについてあらゆる内容を語れる板が欲しい。黎明期なので発展のためにもカテゴリ分けをはじめからやらず統合した方がユーザーの意識と情報を可視化できる。AIと融合を果たした未来からすると実質同じものと考えられますが、今の時点ではAI・メタバース板としてセットにした方が現状に合っているかと思います。技術とユーザーの意向が統合され、壁なく反映される未来を目指します。
【内容】(Contents) 各種分野のAIの話題、技術的なものより話題雑談の方が需要があると思われるので、PCカテゴリでなくネット関連に。雑談板に立ててしまうと雑談のみになってしまう事を懸念、YouTube板がメタバースの関連から近いと考えられますが一番いいのはAIカテゴリそのものに収束させる事です。そのぐらい大きいテーマになるものです。
【フォルダ】(Folder) aimetaverse
【カテゴリ】(Category) AIとして新設
2022/10/12(水) 21:17:17.70ID:eINmZ3Im0 AI category itself and AI general and virtual space topic boards are needed.
Board name: AI Metaverse
Reason: There are various boards with different genres, so we need a unified board. We want a board where we can talk about all kinds of AI from the user's point of view. It is in its infancy, so for the sake of development, it would be better to integrate the boards instead of categorizing them from the beginning to visualize users' awareness and information. We are aiming for a future where technology and user intentions are integrated and reflected without barriers.
Contents: We believe that there is more demand for AI topics in various fields, and for chatting about topics rather than technical ones, so we will put it in the Internet-related category instead of the PC category. I am concerned that if we put it on the chat board, it will become only a chat board. The YouTube board is considered to be close because of its relation to the metaverse, but the best thing is to converge it with the AI category itself. It is such a large topic.
If we only focus on the metaverse, we will not be able to discuss technical topics and users will not be able to connect to the above imagery from the current image, so we are merging them together rather than making them a stand-alone category. However, metaverse and virtual space will be very important in the future, so we cannot exclude metaverse as one of the names of services in the early days. To be precise, the name of the metaverse alone would be better, but AI should remain in the sense that it leaves the possibility of requests for technological improvement and implementation. Therefore, it would be better to separate AI and metaverse into AI and metaverse, or vice versa, and to combine the two, instead of setting them as a set from the beginning. The destination of the separation would be the metaverse and requests for AI (or the AI board, but by that time the main topic should be improvement ideas).
Of course, it can be separated. The story in the metaverse space and AI, the core system, are genres enough to be separated as themes, and they will be the two fundamental themes of the future. However, if we want to hasten their development as much as possible, it is important to first integrate them and make people recognize that they are close to each other. This theme is expected to be maintained even after the integration is accomplished.
The user base that will use the metaverse in the future will be the main users, and because of the nature of the metaverse, it is not the kind that can be developed as open source by individuals, but it is thought that progress will be faster if it is developed by companies, and it is expected that the user base will be able to talk more about the contents from the user's point of view, so it is important to provide comments and information from the user's point of view. We believe that if we can exist as a board that encourages the formation of a community, mainly by sharing thoughts and information from the user's perspective, it will be beneficial to both parties in the future.
Folder: aimetaverse
Category: Newly created as AI
Board name: AI Metaverse
Reason: There are various boards with different genres, so we need a unified board. We want a board where we can talk about all kinds of AI from the user's point of view. It is in its infancy, so for the sake of development, it would be better to integrate the boards instead of categorizing them from the beginning to visualize users' awareness and information. We are aiming for a future where technology and user intentions are integrated and reflected without barriers.
Contents: We believe that there is more demand for AI topics in various fields, and for chatting about topics rather than technical ones, so we will put it in the Internet-related category instead of the PC category. I am concerned that if we put it on the chat board, it will become only a chat board. The YouTube board is considered to be close because of its relation to the metaverse, but the best thing is to converge it with the AI category itself. It is such a large topic.
If we only focus on the metaverse, we will not be able to discuss technical topics and users will not be able to connect to the above imagery from the current image, so we are merging them together rather than making them a stand-alone category. However, metaverse and virtual space will be very important in the future, so we cannot exclude metaverse as one of the names of services in the early days. To be precise, the name of the metaverse alone would be better, but AI should remain in the sense that it leaves the possibility of requests for technological improvement and implementation. Therefore, it would be better to separate AI and metaverse into AI and metaverse, or vice versa, and to combine the two, instead of setting them as a set from the beginning. The destination of the separation would be the metaverse and requests for AI (or the AI board, but by that time the main topic should be improvement ideas).
Of course, it can be separated. The story in the metaverse space and AI, the core system, are genres enough to be separated as themes, and they will be the two fundamental themes of the future. However, if we want to hasten their development as much as possible, it is important to first integrate them and make people recognize that they are close to each other. This theme is expected to be maintained even after the integration is accomplished.
The user base that will use the metaverse in the future will be the main users, and because of the nature of the metaverse, it is not the kind that can be developed as open source by individuals, but it is thought that progress will be faster if it is developed by companies, and it is expected that the user base will be able to talk more about the contents from the user's point of view, so it is important to provide comments and information from the user's point of view. We believe that if we can exist as a board that encourages the formation of a community, mainly by sharing thoughts and information from the user's perspective, it will be beneficial to both parties in the future.
Folder: aimetaverse
Category: Newly created as AI
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