481:ななしさん 警備員[Lv.3(前26)][苗警]:2024/05/17(金) 14:07:51.50 ID:2FKrgl9s0
Wow! Why is this damn machine No.1?>>454 ID:o5zFJcra0

Is it because of the brawl?
If so, I would have to say that it is still an unfair evaluation.
I can believe what you said
> Ive been thinking about this and have a pretty good idea about how to deal with it.
for a few days.

After all, we haven't had any major vandalism in the last couple of days!
Congrats, and thanks for the great work you've done! You've done well and we know it!

As you know, that "tender period" can last from one to three days at most.
That's what it means to work in Japan.

446:ななしさん 警備員[Lv.1(前26)][苗警]:2024/05/17(金) 12:44:58.82 ID:2FKrgl9s0
第1083期 nanashiさん[90958cd0]はnanashiさんを撃った | donguri 1715756502 2024/05/1712:41:37.37
