why usa justifies itself? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/01/12(Mon) 15:46:34.53 iaxis of evil always
2015/01/12(Mon) 22:07:12.23 >>6
Is that your poem or something?
Is that your poem or something?
2015/01/13(Tue) 19:16:57.41 Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or JUSTICE or anything.
If you're a man, you take it
If you're a man, you take it
2015/01/14(Wed) 06:30:55.21 >>7
No, It's just a reality where you and I live.
No, It's just a reality where you and I live.
2015/01/15(Thu) 03:32:02.76 Blame the jews.
2015/03/03(Tue) 18:16:28.76 Is there any thread where japanese people and foreign people is discussing in 2ch?
Especially about claims on japanese history fabricated by china, korea, and usa
Especially about claims on japanese history fabricated by china, korea, and usa
2015/04/25(Sat) 23:54:23.67 >>11
Net-uyoku go home!
Net-uyoku go home!
2015/05/04(Mon) 20:02:48.7214Anonymous
2015/08/10(Mon) 14:01:05.66 >>4
Those are beautiful words Anon ;_;
Those are beautiful words Anon ;_;
2016/07/18(Mon) 04:21:10.63 The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.
2017/03/01(Wed) 06:17:31.07 Whatever the justification, the United States is largely the military wing of the global bourgeoisie.
Any "justification" they might give for their actions is merely ideological mystification of the economic and class forces that really motivate their actions.
Any "justification" they might give for their actions is merely ideological mystification of the economic and class forces that really motivate their actions.
2018/11/18(Sun) 19:12:17.4218Anonymous
2019/03/01(Fri) 14:22:58.36 Americans are annoying.
2020/05/12(Tue) 17:09:51.89 Americans justify themselves by themselves.
Truly selfish animal. Look at their leader. Disgusting pig.
Truly selfish animal. Look at their leader. Disgusting pig.
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