I'm from 4chan /prog/ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
0001Anonymous垢版2016/07/18(Mon) 01:36:38.84

I used to go on dis.4chan.org/prog/ many years ago before it was closed down.
0002Anonymous垢版2016/07/18(Mon) 04:12:28.68
This makes the Shiichan software feel cozy.
0003Anonymous垢版2016/07/18(Mon) 05:29:11.03
this website is utter shit
I thought nips had this shit down a decade ago, why is it so terrible?
0004Anonymous垢版2016/07/19(Tue) 13:00:16.40
It's like we're really in 1996.
0005Anonymous垢版2016/07/23(Sat) 23:51:10.17
Really can't understand why they can put up with such a shitty web page.
0006Anonymous垢版2016/08/20(Sat) 18:21:00.75
Because they NEVER use the web version. They use navigation software for 2ch.
0007Anonymous垢版2016/09/19(Mon) 18:49:38.11
This. Use a browser. I like Janestyle myself.
0008Anonymous垢版2016/09/21(Wed) 03:01:18.87
I'm not downloading some adware client to browse a website. What next, will we have to use AOL keywords?
0009Anonymous垢版2016/09/23(Fri) 03:04:25.26
Desktop clients > web clients

I use one for twitter, IRC, etc.
0010Anonymous垢版2016/11/27(Sun) 22:47:55.27
No twitter of penis! Do you understand?
