I used to go on dis.4chan.org/prog/ many years ago before it was closed down.
I'm from 4chan /prog/ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2016/07/18(Mon) 01:36:38.8425Anonymous
2018/08/04(Sat) 10:51:22.16 westerners's characteristics
they are reasonable but easily influenced by suggestion
they have a susceptibility to taning
they are likely to abuse alcohol
they are inclined to get panics
they cry and scream easily
they are reasonable but easily influenced by suggestion
they have a susceptibility to taning
they are likely to abuse alcohol
they are inclined to get panics
they cry and scream easily
2018/08/04(Sat) 10:52:45.21 hage
2018/11/16(Fri) 18:33:18.2228Anonymous
2018/11/16(Fri) 18:39:56.54 >>25
instead they have a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering,
this tendency makes them different from us
instead they have a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering,
this tendency makes them different from us
2018/11/18(Sun) 19:03:47.2630Anonymous
2018/11/18(Sun) 23:07:46.79 westerners on 4ch adore androids made in china or korea
i cant believe that
i cant believe that
2018/11/18(Sun) 23:41:53.68 Most of korean girls have plastic surgerys
They are unbelievably open to alter their face surgically.
Once i've heard that some chinese cut their shin bones and add metal rods there
so that to make their look taller
they seem that they wanna be like an Westerners enthusiastically
They are unbelievably open to alter their face surgically.
Once i've heard that some chinese cut their shin bones and add metal rods there
so that to make their look taller
they seem that they wanna be like an Westerners enthusiastically
2019/01/28(Mon) 14:04:23.34 Now that /prog/ is dead, is this the place to discuss programming?
2020/06/02(Tue) 10:45:58.0634Anonymous
2020/12/12(Sat) 07:28:57.0035Anonymous
2023/01/07(Sat) 05:24:21.58 test
2023/07/15(Sat) 09:44:31.40 hello
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