Tom Cat, if you're here, please identify yourself. We truly want to talk with you about these amendments.
- Do you want to rewrite guidelines for deletion only with items being discussed here?
- Or do you want to include as many outdated items as you think we might need to rewrite?
I personally think it may well take months to have a consensus even only for these limited items:
as 案内人港★ had indicated.
For the time being, it might to be a good idea to take a short-term amendment to the existing guidelines for deletion,
and show explicitly that we DO have guidelines at least for deletion.
BTW, what do you think about the recent new regulations by many countries including Japanese Government regarding "Personal Data Protection"?
Those will include the Rights to Be Forgotten for individuals who don't want to be bothered by offensive articles on 2ch with their Personally Identifiable Information?
削除ガイドライン変更案 3
- 「性行為をすれば投資する」相次ぐ女性起業家へのセクハラ スタートアップ阻害 [蚤の市★]
- 【千葉】定員割れの県立高なのに不合格、「教育受ける権利を侵害」…難病の少女が入学許可求め提訴 ★2 [少考さん★]
- トランプ氏「安倍昭恵さんとぜひ会いたい」 トランプ氏から昭恵さんに呼びかけ、安倍元総理と親密な関係で ★2 [お断り★]
- 松本人志が2025年末「笑ってはいけない」でTV復活? 怪情報の真偽と火元 [jinjin★]
- トランプ氏、首相暗殺以降も定期的に昭恵さんに電話し状況を聞いていた 夕食会は政府ルートではなく2人の話し合いで予定された [お断り★]
- ヤマト、日本郵便に配達委託の停止打診 合意から1年半 [蚤の市★]
- 【画像】 ケンモメンの寒さ対策、限界突破 [434776867]
- 【悲報】鬼滅の刃作者(吾峠呼世晴)さん、次回作を作る責任を放棄して逃亡 [601437148]
- 【悲報】厚労省「ごめん。お酒、少量でも有害。発ガン性あるからよろ。マジでごめん」 [732289945]
- なんG兎田ぺこら部#2【ホロライブ/hololive】ID無し🍐
- 若手芸人「一緒に飲みに行きたくない先輩No.1は、ほんこんさんです」 [882679842]
- 【画像】『アンチャーテッド』『The Last of Us』ノーティードッグ最新作の女性主人公、限界突破 [746833765]