
どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★9
> 854 :どんぐりキャノン ★ <span style="color:green;">警備員[Lv.129][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森]</span> :2024/12/21(土) 14:30:33.60 ID:CAP_USER
> Lets do a status update on where we are at right now.
> The future of BBS_ACORN:
> The original purpose of BBS_ACORN was to stop the arashi.
> I feel like it has achieved its original goal.
> Today, I will release the BBS_ACORN=1 and BBS_ACORN=2 settings from every board's SETTING.TXT (except this board).
> We will continue to allow the use of donguri functionality via VIPQ2.
> Anybody can continue to use the !extend function to enable or disable donguri functions on specific threads as needed.
> If the arashi comes back in large numbers again, we can selectively enable BBS_ACORN in real-time on the specific boards that are under attack.
> In that way, BBS_ACORN can continue to be a shield against arashi. A shield that we only use sparingly as necessary.
> I think this is the best way.
> ~~~
> The future of Donguri:
> I will continue to work on developing donguri because I really enjoy creating the game aspect of it.
> I was sad in October when I discovered that people were cheating, so I took a short hiatus from Donguri development.
> During that time, I improved the overall SEO of 5channel, improved itest and readcgi performance, and started building an IOS app for 5channel.
> Maybe we can make an IOS/Android app for managing donguri accounts, and/or integrate it into the new 5channel IOS app.
> ~~
> The IOS App:
> The IOS app version 1 is now completed, but remains under review by Apple.
> I expect Apple to finish the review process soon and the app should launch sometime today or tomorrow.
> The IOS app has many new ways to discover threads and find communities to join.
> Unfortunately it is still not completely optimized for performance, and doesnt yet support every 5ch function.
> I understand that it wont be perfect on this first release, but I will diligently work on the IOS app and improve it so that it will become the premier app for browsing 5ch.
> After the app is released, I will make a thread on here to discuss it: https://fate.5ch.net/ios
> Thank you everybody for your patience.