1つでも(・∀・)イイ!! 他に爆撃されてるか調べなくても(・∀・)イイ!!
これを見ればあなたも幸せに。 『←本文』
ttp://blog.livedoor.jp/******/ 『 ←h抜きのURL』
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1108646157/1001 2005/01/01(土) 00:00:00 ID:Itteyosi
#その場合「>>[レス番] の再発です」と書いて頂くと助かります。
ものすごい勢いで広告・宣伝を報告するスレ 30
ものすごい勢いで広告・宣伝を報告するスレ 32
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2005/04/19(火) 10:59:22ID:???
2005/04/26(火) 08:23:17ID:+dRE8XCc ストリート・B-BOY掲示板
http://music4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/hiphop/1098957157/773 2005/04/26(火) 01:49:31 ID:???
http://music4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/hiphop/1098957157/773 2005/04/26(火) 01:49:31 ID:???
2005/04/26(火) 08:25:51ID:+dRE8XCc 暇つぶしの館。
http://life7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/fashion/1101198872/83 2005/04/26(火) 03:28:12
http://life7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/fashion/1101198872/83 2005/04/26(火) 03:28:12
2005/04/26(火) 08:36:08ID:jQt0oB9d 諸外国の掲示板(中共・韓国 以外)にこの文章・フラッシュ動画を貼り付けて
The Chinese government has been rather hard on Japan for some time, but
especially in recent months. Many Japanese consider the Chinese government
at least an accessory after the fact in the student attacks on the Japanese
Consulate in Shanghai. It is plain to see that the Chinese police aren't
overzealous in putting a stop to the vandalism of Japanese property.
More generally, the Japanese are getting tired of the Chinese government's
selective use of history. The Chinese government is demanding yet another
apology from the Japanese government for the Rape of Nanking and other
acts of Japanese brutality in China before and during World War II.
At the same time, it treats any reference to the more recent, and continuing,
Chinese brutality in Tibet as contrary to the rules of international discourse.
Since Tibet has been incorporated into China, what goes on there is an
internal matter, and foreigners have no right to discuss it.
Many Japanese have lost patience with this one-sided spirit of criticism.
Following is a Japanese comment on the question of relative culpability,
Japanese and Chinese.
http://comic6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/comic/1113471788/132 2005/04/26(火) 00:51:10 ID:6KA3kg2r0
The Chinese government has been rather hard on Japan for some time, but
especially in recent months. Many Japanese consider the Chinese government
at least an accessory after the fact in the student attacks on the Japanese
Consulate in Shanghai. It is plain to see that the Chinese police aren't
overzealous in putting a stop to the vandalism of Japanese property.
More generally, the Japanese are getting tired of the Chinese government's
selective use of history. The Chinese government is demanding yet another
apology from the Japanese government for the Rape of Nanking and other
acts of Japanese brutality in China before and during World War II.
At the same time, it treats any reference to the more recent, and continuing,
Chinese brutality in Tibet as contrary to the rules of international discourse.
Since Tibet has been incorporated into China, what goes on there is an
internal matter, and foreigners have no right to discuss it.
Many Japanese have lost patience with this one-sided spirit of criticism.
Following is a Japanese comment on the question of relative culpability,
Japanese and Chinese.
http://comic6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/comic/1113471788/132 2005/04/26(火) 00:51:10 ID:6KA3kg2r0
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