解除申請をして postmaster@〜ne.jp 宛てにRequest Removalボタンをクイックするのですが
DSBL: Send Removal Confirmation
Please confirm that:
You are an administrator for the IP address
You have investigated and solved the problem that caused your listing.
You have tested that you can receive mail at postmaster@softbank220052216064.bbtec.net from the outside world.
If you have not met these requirements, do not continue: DSBL only sends one removal confirmation per-IP every 7 days.
Sending one to an address that does not work will introduce delays in your delisting.
Removing an address that is not fixed is likely to result in near-immediate relisting as spam begins to flow to testers from your IP again.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
473 [―{}@{}@{}-] softbank220052216064.bbtec.net
2006/07/27(木) 16:45:13ID:Jl4eYG/X0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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