It was good to meet you. のところ、先頭のTがなく t was good to meet you.
a) 投稿例
b) 規模頻度 358/3day
c) 爆撃範囲
d) 継続性
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2008/06/29(日) 20:14:01ID:c91lr9Jz0
2008/06/29(日) 21:34:17ID:c91lr9Jz0 投稿例1
> 78 :名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/06/26(木) 19:10:40 ID:/jF7UKKv0
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> 78 :名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/06/26(木) 19:10:40 ID:/jF7UKKv0
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
> Blame warning. Since this colony is exploded, please move to a safe place promptly.
2008/06/29(日) 21:35:04ID:c91lr9Jz0 投稿例2
> 503 :名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/06/27(金) 21:53:31 ID:T/oB8AeD0
> It was good to meet you. It can be said to be only a miracle that he was able to meet you.
> The time of abbreviation half a year finished with the instant.
> The time spent with you was happy for me.
> Probably I do not forget you throughout life.
> Even if born again, I want to pass God a bribe so that he can meet you.
> Thank you former . Please become a good person and happiness.
> 503 :名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/06/27(金) 21:53:31 ID:T/oB8AeD0
> It was good to meet you. It can be said to be only a miracle that he was able to meet you.
> The time of abbreviation half a year finished with the instant.
> The time spent with you was happy for me.
> Probably I do not forget you throughout life.
> Even if born again, I want to pass God a bribe so that he can meet you.
> Thank you former . Please become a good person and happiness.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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