I have allowed discussion for keeping p2 on Pink Channel for over a month.
Only one thing was brought up that was of any use. It is the p2 book mark system.
This sounds interesting, and is worth keeping.
Most of the other things that were discussed were drivel. "I need p2 so I can devastate. So I can lay waste to threads, etc etc etc.
So I decided this.
Maru BBQ = OK
p2 BBQ = NG
p2 users could still use their bookmark app.
The ones that are not BBQ could still post.
If there is BBQ there is a reason for that.
Maru is the only appropriate authentication to go around
the BBQ system.
Soon, I will end the discussion period for keeping p2 on Pink Channel.
When the discussion period ends, if the equations above are followed
p2 will be on Pink Channel. If they are not followed we will resume the discussion
in one thousand years.
規制人より ホ〜クス7連勝中♪後半戦開始ガンバル∩( ・ω・)∩ 芋133本目
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2010/07/27(火) 21:47:02ID:lMsOxguK0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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