■ New Korakora こらこら団のスレ

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001Code Monkey ★
垢版 |
2014/04/15(火) 18:11:01.04ID:???0
The new Korakora will start from tomorrow night.
We will have a new volunteer working on the korakora reports.

I will introduce the new volunteer tomorrow before they begin the work.

The new volunteer will introduce new reporting rules for Korakora.

Have a good day.
0539Cleaner 24h ★
垢版 |
2014/04/27(日) 19:56:58.82ID:???0

!Katon http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/fashion/1364784855/823 2014/04/27(日) 16:00:35.47 ID:/3TOQJqM0

Cleaner 24h ★(fashion ID:/3TOQJqM0) (i121-116-65-173.s42.a012.ap.plala.or.jp)
火遁(斥候) → ●Yesh.GJXTVf3K498 NINJA|Dfashion1398432214614469|40
0540Cleaner 24h ★
垢版 |
2014/04/27(日) 19:59:35.74ID:???0

!Katon http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/fashion/1395226486/479 2014/04/27(日) 17:03:11.89 ID:l5qFZJU40

Cleaner 24h ★(fashion ID:l5qFZJU40) (s1134024.xgsspn.imtp.tachikawa.spmode.ne.jp)
火遁(斥候) → ●Yesh.GJXTVf3K498 NINJA|Dfashion1398537212764977|28
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
