The new Korakora will start from tomorrow night.
We will have a new volunteer working on the korakora reports.
I will introduce the new volunteer tomorrow before they begin the work.
The new volunteer will introduce new reporting rules for Korakora.
Have a good day.
■ New Korakora こらこら団のスレ
1Code Monkey ★
2014/04/15(火) 18:11:01.04ID:???0961名無しの報告
2014/05/01(木) 12:54:45.06ID:fumucQ5v0 せめて新しいボラを見つけてから剥奪しろよ>Mango Mangue ★
2014/05/01(木) 12:56:50.40ID:lgo/Z6C30 じゃあ俺がやってやるよ