Hi, Code Monkey-san, how are you doing? Before we post the Korakora Reports,
I've a question.
In "New Korakora 1", It was announced that cleaner 24h-san was deprived of his power,
by Mango Mangue-san. If it is true, plz introduce another new volunteer for
Korakora ASAP. Of cource You and Mango Mangue-san will do: okay.
I kwow you're dog busy right now, but for us, posting to various board of 2ch is a main
concern: we really want to post comments and somethi'n like that;
not posting Big-AA for thread corruption and multi copies and pastes
to prevet us from easy and confortable 2ch activity.
Best regards.
New Korakora こらこら団のスレ 2
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/05/01(木) 13:18:24.33ID:LjrDZ0hc0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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