Jack-san, sorry for taking a time. I'll explain to YOU ONLY very briefly.
I'm posting in English because it is for you and Jim-san and Ron-san.
I don't talked to the troll.
1) For the execution to the troll, I believe there was no problem.
I've been asking to the reporter many times, "You don't have to write the reason".
In the case, the reporter wrote as making multiple threads, but I judged it as keeping threads with bad will and executed it.
2) Are you aware that the most/all of IDs in here accusing me are the same troll himself ?
As he does like this, he is keeping multiple threads with many alternative IDs.
I've already proved that all of his IP were from bai.net or au. by many KoraKora execution.
3) Regarding the template and rules in KoraKora thread, I think as you know, we always got the permission from Jim-san or CM-san
including making multiple threads and keeping multiple threads.
4) Regarding I said "Deleted.", that was deleted by Jim-san or CM-san after I've asked to do it. As you know, I can't delete anything.
5) Regarding the leaking the 2 IP, I can't say I'm innocent, but I thought there was need to do that.
And I did it because 2 guys allow me to do that.
That's all. If you still have dissatisfaction, please talk to Jim-san.
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30黄金焼き ★
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