ヤパーリボクハ キホンノ ミユキ トカ(・∀・)
Why be afraid if I'm not alone
Though life is never easy the rest is unknown
Up to now for me it's been hands against stone
Spent each and every moment
Searching for what to believe
Coming out of the dark, i finally see the light now
It's shining on me
Coming out of the dark I know the love that saved me
You're sharing with me
Starting again is part of the plan
And I'll be so much stronger holding your hand
Step by step I'll make it through I know I can
It may not make it easier but I have felt you
Near all the way
Coming out of the dark, i finally see the light now
It's shining on me
Coming out of the dark I know the love that saved me
You're sharing with me
Forever, forever I stand on the rock of your love
Forever I'll stand on the rock
Forever, forever I stand on the rock of your love
Love is all it takes, no matter what we face
Coming out of the dark, i finally see the light now
It's shining on me
Coming out of the dark I know the love that saved me
You're sharing with me
ソレジャァ オヤスミンミン(・∀・)ノ
2015/05/29(金) 22:43:40.72ID:FuP2rws00レス数が900を超えています。1000を超えると表示できなくなるよ。
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