Continued from >>291
I became aware of this case because the person who made the false report had posted in the thread to be reported, bragging that he had reported the trolling behavior and it had been dealt with.
- Posts that seem to be from a person who has made a false report of trolling. 2022/02/21(月) 07:57:48.32ID:DVCsFfff0
The person who made this false report is a persistent troll who has repeatedly insisted people to NG multiple people's "ワッチョイ" or register them as NG words. In the above post, he also recommends NGing others that the he(false reporter) doesn't like by listing NG words to register in a specific browser.
The reason he is being verbally abused by others is because of this persistent behavior, and I was the one who was annoyed.
Can you please go back and investigate the thread to be reported and restrict the person who made this false report?
>> As this is too much to write in one go, it will be continued next. <<
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2022/02/22(火) 09:31:37.15ID:8kmN9nI30■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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