Welcome 8chan [転載禁止]©2ch.net
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 13:57:31.02
Is this BBS related to 8chan?
0002Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 13:59:58.58
koko 2ch yo
0003Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:09:53.47
I suppose Code monkey have idea of combining 2ch with 8ch
0004Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:14:44.98
Hello from australia!
0005ホット・ホイールズ ★垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:15:39.93
Yes, I am going to add the links to all the boards to the 8chan.co homepage soon.

0006Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:17:53.10
Holy shit everyone's speaking in Japanese
0007Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:17:59.55
Posting in an epic thread.
0008Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:19:02.36
I don't know what half this page says I'm just clicking on things
0009Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:19:20.86
0010Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:19:25.25
lol how does this work
0011ホット・ホイールズ ★垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:19:41.97
Oh yeah, we also put an "English" section in the 2ch BBS menu, that's why.
They're friendly though ("fuck you" is a term of endearment).

Its not on the menu yet. We are still deciding what to call this new category.
0014Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:21:19.80
How do I post
0015ホット・ホイールズ ★垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:21:25.58
Oh, okay, so it's just from the /liveanarchy/ and /poverty/ threads then.

I'm also deciding how I'll add it to 8chan.co's home page lol

They want to call the new category, "Foreigner Shelter"
0017Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:22:05.33
What are these things and what do they do?
0018Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:22:30.82
Well now I just feel silly
0019Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:23:42.32
Do it!
0020Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:26:04.44
0021Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:26:18.22
ayy lmao I don't speak Japanese I have no idea what's habbenin mang pls
how the fuck you even post here
there's like one normal looking button but I'm afraid to even click it
sheeit here we go HOLD YO BREATH
0022Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:27:17.54
>>21 I had to first go through 2 pages I couldn't understand, press some random buttons, and now I'm here! It worked! But the page looks different.
0023Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:28:45.78
What is this I don't even.
0025Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:31:36.06
As a massive fucking weeb, I sometimes read 2ch to practice my Japanese. Weird to see so much English. (desu desu desu)
0026Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:32:53.10
0027ホット・ホイールズ ★垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:32:57.89
We are just restarting world2ch.
moot took it over from us and called it world4ch, but then, he got bored of it and closed it.
2ch.net has not had foreign boards for a long time, but if we can host it, why not.
0028Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:38:12.48
I like 2ch, feels nostalgic. Now if only I could be assed to learn Japanese, I wouldn't have to post on here and could participate in actual 2ch threads

0029Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:40:01.31
Checking It's divisible increasingly and it isn't understood.
0030Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:51:12.61
ochinchin ga kayui desu
0031Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:54:01.37
0032Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:54:46.85
Hotwheels, you're a fucking legend.
0033Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:56:58.09
0034Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 14:58:30.79
i love
0035Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 15:00:48.14
hatechan is bringing the internet together
0036Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 15:11:42.75
sine kasu domo
0037Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 15:17:00.65
good evening everyone
0038Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 15:17:17.71
>2ch BBS is back

Hotwheels broke the cycle

Eternal September is over
0039Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 15:41:10.97
0040Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 15:42:48.60
0041Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:10:53.98
0042Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:17:49.81
This is 8chan, OP.
0043Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:20:09.18
Why do textboards even exist? Are we suppose to migrate here? What the hell is going on?
0044Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:25:18.72
Shits and giggles.
0045Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:44:50.86
( ^ω^)ここがおうち?
0046Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:45:44.12
Textboards have their own unique culture, faggot.

If you don't like it, leave.
0047Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:47:18.73
>board culture
nice meme
r u an oldfag :))
0048Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:48:19.16
Go back to the imageboard.
0049Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:49:05.51
I want to post!
0050Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:50:12.75
but I want to learn all the epic 2ch memes!! xD ^_^
0051Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:51:14.87
I'm talking about SAOVQ, 4-ch and dis.4chan.

I don't know any of the memes from 2ch.
0052Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:51:21.90
( ^ω^) plz use English O.
0053Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:52:38.06
christ how much of a weeb can you be
why aren't you posting on >>>/news4vip/
0054Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 16:52:58.86
>unique culture
0055Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 17:01:55.87
>implying they can understand you

Purizu use engurishu shimasuuuu

That should do it.
0056Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 17:03:28.93
no racist plz
0057Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 17:08:20.09
>> 55
> Purizu use engurishu shimasuuuu

0059Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 18:54:10.93
do u know GARO?
0060Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 19:04:18.21
0061Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 19:44:56.31
Excuse me,
This is my post-test at 8chan-BBS in 2nd time from Japan.

Good evening,Everybody!
0062Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 19:45:29.76
moshi moshi 8chan desu

(>^_^(>0_0)> ~ ♥ の_の

0063Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 20:18:26.80
   | ノ      ヽ
  /  ●   ● | クマ──!!
  |    ( _●_)  ミ
 彡、   |∪|  、`\
/ __  ヽノ /´>  )
(___)   / (_/
 |       /
 |  /\ \
 | /    )  )
 ∪    (  \
0064Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 20:31:36.45
based hotwheels.
0065Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 21:03:46.13
I Bomb Yahoo

Today 23:00

Yahoo BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

0066Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 21:52:23.64
Thank you for having us gaijin devils. It is against the law to criticize my government in my country, so the Internet is one of the few free places I have. Apologies for the inconviniences the move may have caused to 2ch and thanks for having us.
0067Anonymous垢版2015/01/12(Mon) 21:54:45.02

Let me get that straight: 2ch had no English boards for years for the same reasons
Canv.as and tens 4chan sucked so much? Because Moot is a fag?

Maybe its about having something 2ch should have but didn't have because Moot is a fag?
Don't forget: japanese 8chan is also a thing.
0068Anonymous垢版2015/01/13(Tue) 09:48:21.66
   | ノ      ヽ
  /  ●   ● | Hotwheels, when are you gunna be a trap?
  |    ( _●_)  ミ
 彡、   |∪|  、`\
/ __  ヽノ /´>  )
(___)   / (_/
 |       /
 |  /\ \
 | /    )  )
 ∪    (  \
0069Anonymous垢版2015/01/13(Tue) 11:23:20.51
I can poast? I can poast!
0070Anonymous垢版2015/01/13(Tue) 13:39:16.44
こんにちは日本語友達ワイーとピグです!I probably wrote that completely incorrectly, but fuck it speaking broken Japanese is fun. ごめん日本語ぜんぜんわかりません
0071Anonymous垢版2015/01/13(Tue) 15:31:21.15
                   -‐…━‐- ミ
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               .″ . . . .|. .:/!.:/|/|∧:::∧:::::|::::::::,   / ̄|/ \  __丿
                /. . . . .:.:|.:/ .′   ∨ \ト|::::::::, /   \  \厶
             / . . . .:.:.:|.′  \   /   |:::::::.∨       ニイ
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          _/. . ...:.:.:!ヘ:.:.:.:|、     ,、   从.:.|i____ \  /
          ` ‐--=イ斗┐ ヽド`:...      . イ :.:.:.八     /
             |/ ノ イ ≧=、  >f´  .ノィ/ ̄    /
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     j. /     .′ ヾl    V′     \          \
      }〃             !     \        ヽ、          ノ\
0072Anonymous垢版2015/01/14(Wed) 13:02:21.32
Posting here feels good. I feel like I have finally come home. How strange.
0073Anonymous垢版2015/01/14(Wed) 19:10:12.76
tako 8chan
0074Anonymous垢版2015/01/15(Thu) 08:06:41.44
0075Anonymous垢版2015/01/15(Thu) 10:07:28.05
hello from Hungary
0076Anonymous垢版2015/01/16(Fri) 04:16:15.74
(ヽ´ん`) ?
0077Anonymous垢版2015/01/16(Fri) 04:20:22.43
Can I access from foreign countries here?
It's phlegm since the first time, but please tell me.
0078Anonymous垢版2015/01/16(Fri) 04:40:12.99
0079Anonymous垢版2015/01/26(Mon) 23:19:35.55
0080Anonymous垢版2015/01/30(Fri) 22:26:51.41
0081Anonymous垢版2015/03/22(Sun) 01:26:26.17
 / 彡⌒ミ /
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 / (´・ω・`) / Wien!
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 / (|   |) /
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   (|   |)___
 / |__∧_|  /
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
0082Anonymous垢版2015/05/19(Tue) 02:46:23.78
0083Anonymous垢版2015/07/03(Fri) 06:58:03.91
        GAME OVER
0084Anonymous垢版2015/07/11(Sat) 16:39:30.62
Bank of Japan notes
0085Anonymous垢版2017/02/19(Sun) 06:01:02.58
This thread reminds me of the good old days. Rip hotwheels.
0086Anonymous垢版2017/12/04(Mon) 17:10:54.12
0087Anonymous垢版2017/12/29(Fri) 10:17:15.54
0088Anonymous垢版2017/12/30(Sat) 18:49:49.29
               //   ヾ、
               ! !    l |             ┌────────────
  ,、i`ヽ         | |     .! !            <ニッパーーーフォーーーーォォォーー!!!  
   `ヽ::        .| |    ノ:,!        ,r‐'ァ  └────────────
     ヽ ヽ       ヽ!   !ノ        ::´
     ヽ \      I:::::::I_      _ / /                
       ヽ  ヽ    i,(;;;ノI、;;;)l    ,,/  , '  
        ヽ  ` ー 、.,,ゝ´ヮ`,ノュ_, - '   r'  
          ` 、_ /::: `山':::::    /
        /   ヽI,r''"""^~ヽ
       /   ,/ ヽ    ヽ
0089Anonymous垢版2018/01/28(Sun) 18:00:03.53
0090Anonymous垢版2018/03/07(Wed) 19:22:40.77
0091Anonymous垢版2018/03/16(Fri) 11:30:06.99
☆ 日本の核武装は早急に必須です。総務省の、
0092Anonymous垢版2018/08/06(Mon) 19:30:07.13
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
