Aries is Maybe bad.
Lucky color is light brown.
Lucky person is your mom.
Taurus is Somewhat good.
Lucky color is chestnut.
Lucky person is math teacher in the second year of junior high school.
Gemini is Incredibly bad.
Lucky color is tawny.
Lucky person is 5 year old girl.
Cancer is better than usual
Lucky color is beige.
Lucky person is fairies needed for transformation.
Leo is bad enough not to bother.
Lucky color is olive brown.
Lucky person is next friend to meet.
Virgo is pretty good.
Lucky color is dun.
Lucky person is your doppelganger.
Libra is subtle.
Lucky color is taupe.
Lucky person is you in past.
Scorpio is better than last month.
Lucky color is rusty brown.
Lucky person is >>2 in this thread.
Sagittarius is abnormally bad.
Lucky color is chocolate.
Lucky person is yourself.
Capricorn is better than you think.
Lucky color is maroon.
Lucky person is people you meet for the first time this month.
Aquarius is moderately bad.
Lucky color is nutmeg.
Lucky person is people who loves you.
Pisces is depends on you.
Lucky color is depends on you.
Lucky person is depends on you.
Horoscope for August in NIP
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