Yay. Posted by: perverted shitbagger (Wed, Aug 16, 07:14:22 PM)
Yesterday, August 15, the usual hobo old man (60 years old) and the dirt-loving dirtbag Nii-chan who texted me the other day.
(45 years old) and I (53 years old) had a good time at the bottom of a river bank in the northern part of the prefecture.
We had a day off tomorrow, so we went to a convenience store and bought some drinks and snacks.
So we drank a lot of booze and then started doing it.
The three of us were reduced to a pair of sneakers, licking each other's dicks, and we each took three fig enemas that we had brought with us.
After a while, my asshole started to tremble and my feces were going round and round in my stomach looking for a way out.
I was licking my brother's asshole while letting the old drifter lick it.
First, my brother dumped a bunch of shit in my mouth.
At the same time, the old man took a dump and so did I. I was covered in shit all over my face. My face was already covered in shit.
I'll give you an enema and fuck you in your shit.
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