Mr. Masuzoe, the governor of Tokyo, use for himself about 20 million yens.
Nevertheless, the Tokyo government spent the invalid frozen wall against
groundwater at 30 trillion yens.
I’m afraid that the Japanese people unconsciously were misleading by the Tokyo
Mr. Masuzoe is being more blamed for weeks, but... [無断転載禁止]©
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2016/06/14(Tue) 18:33:22.152Anonymous
2016/06/14(Tue) 18:36:47.08 There is the frozen wall for ground water is at the Fukushima nuclear
power plant. Even now, the contaminated ground water is flowing to
the sea.
power plant. Even now, the contaminated ground water is flowing to
the sea.
2017/01/04(Wed) 00:29:41.884Anonymous
2017/01/17(Tue) 23:41:22.75 Kamikozawa Kensuke Lelouch Lamperouge King Piccolo Lord Voldemort Big Brother Sauron
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