Normalfag-controlling boards

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2020/10/07(Wed) 03:12:19.54
So I've been browsing american imageboards recently and they pretty much come from the same idea of making a clone of 4chan without flamewars and shitposting, Then I found 22chan(.org)

What find refreshing about this boards is that they have an active userbase, but not too active to have boards constantly wiped. They have a livechat with a good ui for small chatter, and they actively ban things that made 4chan a bad place. No normalfag memes, shitposting or porn threads, honestly I think this is is the only board on the internet to do this. How do you feel about it?

Maybe there is more places to actually enforce control on normalfag content?
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2020/10/08(Thu) 11:07:29.53
There are plenty of altchans that follow 22chan's philosophy. So many that 22chan is kinda generic and boring in that sense.
I used it a bit in 2019 and it got some OC at least back then, which immeidately puts it higher than many others, but its still not really that great.
I think that a site exclaiming that they're "bringing back the old 4chan" by spamming advertisements is something most people just ignore after so many years of these being shit and dying quickly, so the userbase that gets dedicated to it are people who don't really understand what really made bygone years interesting. It feels like a lot of these sites are tryhard LARPs at being comfy. I mean its better than jaded oldfags who just whine about how great things were years ago and do nothing fun, but quality can't be attained very consistently by just following the typical Comfy "Old"4chan vibe. There are plenty of really cool altchans that avoid this mistake by instead focusing on being unique or being attached to a specific topic or other niche.
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2020/10/29(Thu) 14:20:44.92
hey why am i not allowed to view the nsfw boards? it says my ip range is blocked. is japanese porn to good for westerners?
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2021/02/05(Fri) 01:53:12.06
I think being a neet is some kind of training to lead to a greater awakening. At least it was for me.
eventually everything I did as a neet became meaningless

>be neet
>drinking -> just makes me do stupid things, I can't focus or do any compex tasks while drunk, have to keep going to bathroom, or just fall asleep. Eventually It just made me get sick and tired all the time so had to quit.
its also expensive where i live so it really doesnt seem worth it to drink at all
>video games -> every new game is now boring and pointless. I played so many games and recognize every game mechanic. When playing on the hardest difficulty the game just becomes tedious work.
Game creators just mix and match the same gameplay with new graphics then heavily advertise the game to fool people into thinkin its 'fun'.
>porn -> cleaning up after fapping becomes tedious work, it probably smells bad to others. You begin to notice every actress you fap to doctored
or shot at certain camera angles to make her more attractive, same with selfies posted on places like instagram, its all fake.. My sex drive then totally diminished as I got older and being sexless. I saved lots of
tissue paper after this.
>relationships->It's difficult to hold a relationship with man or women. Imagine having a gf, you must take care of relationship with her, then take care of the children you have with her and all the troubles it could lead to. Sounds
like mission impossible to me since i can't even get a normal job.
In the end I think we all 'suffer' as long as we live. It doesn't matter what path we take. As neets we just suffer by doing nothing.

