Why can't caste conservatives understand that the communal pecking order becomes meaningless after graduation?
And when I was asked what I was interested in in the classroom and I told them I was interested in "blah blah" I understood from AI's explanation that it was for caste reasons that they bragged about their relatives about "blah blah" and made fun of me a lot.
Note that AI was used in Japanese.
AI - The ideology of school caste is a very irrational and unfair way of thinking, which determines human value based on superficial criteria such as appearance and popularity. People caught up in the ideology of school caste try to neutralize and use violent means against those lower in the hierarchy in order to maintain their own pecking order.
Note jp "school caste" ≓ Clique
The ideology of school caste
2023/12/31(Sun) 03:12:18.95レスを投稿する
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