My Top 100 Animation Studios as of 2015
(1). Disney (W. Disney and Nine Old Men are more important than my nationality)
(2). Pixar (John Lasseter saved my life)
(3). Fleischer Studios (RIP)
(4). UPA (RIP)
(5). Toei Animation (Toei Doga is much better though)
(6). Mushi Production (but only 60s and 70s)
(7). MGM (most notably early Hanna-Barbera's "Tom and Jerry" series)
(8). Warner Bros (Chuck Jones' works cannot be ignored)
(9). Studio Ghibli
(10). Tokyo Movie (TMS is ok)
(11). old-Tatsunoko (current Tatsunoko absolutely sucks ass)
(12). DreamWorks
(13). Blue Sky Studios (one of my fav studios lately)
(14). Sony Pictures Animation
(15). Studio Chizu
(16). Cartoon Network (The Powerpuff Girls is just outstanding)
(17). Ludorum plc (Chuggington is worth to watch, it's my guilty pleasure)
(50). GAINAX (basically I admit their independence)
(51). Madhouse
(52). Sunrise
(53). TMS
(54). Kyoto Animation (K-on is pretty nice but the others)
(55). TRIGGER Inc.
(56). A-1 Pictures
(92). Studio 4C (although almost dying)
(93). Production I.G (kusoreal)
(94). JC Stuff
(95). XEBEC (should know japorn isn't animation)
(96). GONZO
(97). ufotable (just a phony)
(98). SHAFT (the worst nightmare of our time)
(99). Current Tatsunoko (eww, go away)
(100). BONES, Inc. (even Jesus hates BONES)
The official Sakuga/Animation thread #1 (intl.) [転載禁止]©
2015/02/05(Thu) 18:18:04.05167Anonymous
2016/01/18(Mon) 04:43:35.63 nanya kono sule
2016/01/24(Sun) 17:37:14.01 I am jap
2016/05/20(Fri) 20:32:44.02 BONES SAIKOU!
2016/06/01(Wed) 01:39:23.99 This board is crazy. I'm not even sure how you're supposed to post here.
2016/06/02(Thu) 10:41:20.70 oh...
2016/11/15(Tue) 16:05:25.14 is this thread dead ?
2016/11/15(Tue) 16:07:05.76174Anonymous
2016/12/13(Tue) 13:25:50.78 Please overlook my poor English.
I’m Japanese and interested in hand-drawn animation of Disney.
Would anyone show me websites that people are talking about sakuga of American animation?
I’m Japanese and interested in hand-drawn animation of Disney.
Would anyone show me websites that people are talking about sakuga of American animation?
2016/12/16(Fri) 13:35:31.79 Your English is fine. Try looking over on the animation subreddits @ reddit .com
Otherwise idk.. maybe tumblr? Though tumblr is aids.
We dont really gush about sakuga in the West :(
Otherwise idk.. maybe tumblr? Though tumblr is aids.
We dont really gush about sakuga in the West :(
2017/02/28(Tue) 20:01:53.75 >>174
Ur english suck. Go back to ur mom's pussy ayy lmao
Ur english suck. Go back to ur mom's pussy ayy lmao
2017/09/10(Sun) 18:03:05.01178Anonymous
2024/03/30(Sat) 20:02:16.40 Saturday
2024/05/05(Sun) 16:24:53.66 Anime
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