Hello, Elevens. Answer me this, if you would be so kind.
Why does Japan have such a terrible and shitty taste in anime? Amazing shows like Ben-To, Binbougami, Shimoneta don't get enough sales to get second seasons, but shit like SAO and other crap is gobbled up by you guys like there's no tomorrow.
Also, you guys have shit taste in waifus. Seriously, step it up, senpais.
Superior Gaijin
Japan's awful taste in anime [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/02/19(Sun) 10:27:24.212Anonymous
2017/02/20(Mon) 06:54:14.27 you forgot to mention good shows
2017/02/20(Mon) 14:06:05.42 You forgot to mention people from elsewhere having shit taste in anime. I'm pretty sure a fair amount of SAO box sets comes from southeast Asia, whose weebs are literally on par with the dumbest Mexican otakus out there.
2017/02/21(Tue) 00:55:26.51 >mexican otakus
I didn't even realize that this was a thing.
I didn't even realize that this was a thing.
2017/02/21(Tue) 18:56:03.46 anime has been hijacked by virgins, nobody watches anything made after a certain year
2017/02/22(Wed) 02:23:39.25 Is it safe to say that the last year of numerous "good" anime was '07/'08?
2017/02/23(Thu) 00:23:53.92 more like 1995, before Evangelion started
2017/02/23(Thu) 06:54:40.72 So, stuff started going down hill beginning with Clinton's second term. Why is the common consensus for EVERYTHING?
2017/02/24(Fri) 08:09:03.99 come one guys i need a favor, i watched princess monoke, akira,
spirited away, tokyo godfathers... there are all oldies and fuckin gold...
can you recommend me something good like that? thank you very much :)
spirited away, tokyo godfathers... there are all oldies and fuckin gold...
can you recommend me something good like that? thank you very much :)
2017/02/25(Sat) 17:02:04.66 Angel Cop. All you need.
2017/02/27(Mon) 20:04:08.76 >>9
2017/03/03(Fri) 17:13:31.42 I love votoms
2019/09/28(Sat) 05:30:44.35 >>4
Not only Mexico, all Latin America is full of anime loving people. It's more popular than in USA but not as spread as Japan.
Lots of people saw Dragon Ball as kids. Many are cool adults, who only have a little amount of anime as part of childhood
but others are dreadful otacos, who can't shut up about Goku an Naruto
Not only Mexico, all Latin America is full of anime loving people. It's more popular than in USA but not as spread as Japan.
Lots of people saw Dragon Ball as kids. Many are cool adults, who only have a little amount of anime as part of childhood
but others are dreadful otacos, who can't shut up about Goku an Naruto
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