I did it. Poster: Perverted-Shit Construction Worker
8/16(Wed) 7:16:22
Yesterday 15th August, we three, a customary sixty-year-old bum, a forty-five-year-old male construction worker bro who likes it dirty, and me (53-year-old) hung out under the river bank where is located in North of the prefecture.
As next day is holiday on the day, I bought sake and tidbits. After that, as soon as we drank a lot, we DID it at a minor place almost.
While sucking each dick each other, we took off all our clothes excepting soled socks. And then, we gave three fig enemas each.
After a time, my asshole was getting twitched gradually and my shit was going around in my stomach seeking for an exit.
When I was licking the bro’s ass having the old bum lick my ass hole, the bro took a shit Vigorously to my mouth at first. Also, the bum and I took a shit at the same time.
Our faces were completely covered with each shit.
I DID IT. [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
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