TV anime Kemono Friends is...
It was made somewhere in this world
Ultra large giant zoo "Japari Park".
There, the animals transformed into "Animal Girls"
with the appearance of human beings, with the power
of the mysterious substance "Sand Star"--!
They started to enjoy lively with people who visited.
But time flows...
One day, there was a lost child appearing in trouble at the park.
I thought that a journey to aim for return will be started,
but Animal Girls joined, it became a big adventure!?
==ON AIR SCHEDULE== (1st Season)
TV Tokyo 01/10/2017~ every tuesday 25:35 (UTC +0900) 10:35 (UTC -0600, CDT)
TV Osaka 01/10/2017~ every tuesday 25:35 (UTC +0900) 10:35 (UTC -0600, CDT)
TV Aichi 01/10/2017~ every tuesday 28:05 (UTC +0900) 13:05 (UTC -0600, CDT)
Kemono Friends [無断転載禁止]©
2017/08/01(Tue) 18:55:32.582Anonymous
2017/08/02(Wed) 00:22:21.65 Kemono Friends Second Season production was decided!!!
2017/08/07(Mon) 07:43:20.98 【Bit coin investment method to become billionaire】
2017/08/07(Mon) 15:06:12.01 When will the game app released?
2017/08/07(Mon) 17:07:34.44レスを投稿する
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