since first broadcast of Eva, itll hav been 23 years on december [–³’f“]Ϊ‹ΦŽ~]©

0001Anonymous2017/04/25(Tue) 21:30:43.97
how old are you now?

0002Anonymous2017/04/26(Wed) 21:06:28.31
I don't want to remind that thing

0003Anonymous2017/04/27(Thu) 14:23:29.11
Ayanami is so adorable and she is my waifu

0004Anonymous2017/04/28(Fri) 11:57:59.32
No its mine

0005Anonymous2017/04/29(Sat) 04:15:43.90
teh Rei is a person not an it

0006Anonymous2017/04/29(Sat) 10:59:07.15
Shut the fuck up

0007Anonymous2017/04/29(Sat) 23:50:20.31
your waifu is shit

0008Anonymous2017/05/02(Tue) 00:49:13.07
Are you serious? Where are your eyes?

0009Anonymous2017/05/03(Wed) 10:01:50.95
She is annoying cunt. The VA was awesome though
