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2018/09/14(Fri) 21:40:19.902Anonymous
2018/09/14(Fri) 21:42:27.98 t
n a
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n \ \ ξ / / k
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――――― Qualia-like rule of the board migration ―――――
T.Migration is decided on the board written on >>900.
U.If >>900 isn't board name,
migration is decided by the order written first like 901, 902, 903...
V.Make the next thread a board as which the ID and an IP aren't seen.
(When a designated board is a board as which the ID and an IP are seen, it's invalid.)
W.Even if you post a thread unapprovingly and write URL suddenly, that's invalid.
X.Don't post the same board as much as possible.(To avoid a quarrel.)
W.Even if you post a thread unapprovingly and write URL suddenly, that's invalid.
Y.>>950 post a thread.
n a
______/ /
n \ \ ξ / / k
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i .\ a
――――― Qualia-like rule of the board migration ―――――
T.Migration is decided on the board written on >>900.
U.If >>900 isn't board name,
migration is decided by the order written first like 901, 902, 903...
V.Make the next thread a board as which the ID and an IP aren't seen.
(When a designated board is a board as which the ID and an IP are seen, it's invalid.)
W.Even if you post a thread unapprovingly and write URL suddenly, that's invalid.
X.Don't post the same board as much as possible.(To avoid a quarrel.)
W.Even if you post a thread unapprovingly and write URL suddenly, that's invalid.
Y.>>950 post a thread.
2018/09/14(Fri) 21:43:39.644Anonymous
2018/09/14(Fri) 21:49:40.01 (Reference1)Overflowing words! > Board lists without the ID:
(Reference2)The ID system server another list:
(Reference3)Board setting list (temporary):
(Reference2)The ID system server another list:
(Reference3)Board setting list (temporary):
2018/09/14(Fri) 21:50:35.09 wtf taks is?
2018/09/14(Fri) 21:50:41.71 One of the big four "Ukudesu"
I've been worried for a long time,but I cant stop writting.
I've supported Takusu for a long.
Voted "the creator",became paying member,bought articles separately, I have.
I'm looking forward to new one,one the other hand,I feel sad to be concerned publishing next work would be late. I felt so bad to receive your answer.
Your declaration to break with me was insufficient explanation.But I was so wretchedly that I didn't ask more.
I determined to despair you manfully.
However,all of my comments were deleted ,I perceived.
Horrible.Too cruel you are.I'm the person deleted ones,so I felt you took the offensive.
You looked like in an unconcerned manner.
My comments with my soul were all deleted,and you said "Sorry, I was born with the whim!"
I was hurt at what you said.
Specifically,topmost comment is my soul one which sympathized with your deserted articles.
Seriously,I wanted to know your statement.Why in the world you can delete those ones...
I've been worried for a long time,but I cant stop writting.
I've supported Takusu for a long.
Voted "the creator",became paying member,bought articles separately, I have.
I'm looking forward to new one,one the other hand,I feel sad to be concerned publishing next work would be late. I felt so bad to receive your answer.
Your declaration to break with me was insufficient explanation.But I was so wretchedly that I didn't ask more.
I determined to despair you manfully.
However,all of my comments were deleted ,I perceived.
Horrible.Too cruel you are.I'm the person deleted ones,so I felt you took the offensive.
You looked like in an unconcerned manner.
My comments with my soul were all deleted,and you said "Sorry, I was born with the whim!"
I was hurt at what you said.
Specifically,topmost comment is my soul one which sympathized with your deserted articles.
Seriously,I wanted to know your statement.Why in the world you can delete those ones...
2018/09/14(Fri) 21:51:29.82 >>5
He was a professional comic artist.
His masterpieces are "Ocean Manabu" and "The Creator".
Today he is a "semi-" professional comic artist.
In this thread we talk about Taks Totsuka who is a semi-NEET.
He was a professional comic artist.
His masterpieces are "Ocean Manabu" and "The Creator".
Today he is a "semi-" professional comic artist.
In this thread we talk about Taks Totsuka who is a semi-NEET.
2018/09/14(Fri) 21:53:10.40 ξξξ /
. ξξξξ | For example, “I have come here,but book is not buying”...
ξξ ・J・ξ |
\_д/ < Similarly, “Not book buying. However I'm rooting for you”...
_) (_ \
/ U \
. ξξξξ | For example, “I have come here,but book is not buying”...
ξξ ・J・ξ |
\_д/ < Similarly, “Not book buying. However I'm rooting for you”...
_) (_ \
/ U \
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