Hello, 5Channers! My name is Luz Noceda. My cartoon "The Owl House" will air on January 10th in the United States. Pretty kek, isn't it?
Are you excited? I hope you anons are just as interested as I am. Thank you!
The Owl House
2019/12/01(Sun) 09:17:34.782Anonymous
2020/09/16(Wed) 21:56:48.64 The Loud House?
2021/07/06(Tue) 07:39:37.54 WACKY DELI YEAH
2022/02/06(Sun) 10:05:56.11 the ghost and molly mcgee ha nihon de housou sareruka douka wakaranai
uta ga ooi kara honnyaku ni jikan ga kakaru no kamo shirenai
uta ga ooi kara honnyaku ni jikan ga kakaru no kamo shirenai
2022/05/29(Sun) 17:20:14.84 pinata donkey
2022/12/12(Mon) 00:34:49.01 TEST
2023/01/22(Sun) 12:17:46.61 test
2024/01/22(Mon) 09:20:41.85 My mother whom I who might cry to me much lower as the man who knew what I avoided as a member of society am made a fool of by a woman, and TV is done as a member of society to a person of JGBT below as TV takes this up, and pride is injured in the mysterious group, and mother was doing for fear of them until it is in these days when it shed tears that I tell mother who might not speak such a thing that there might not be breath when I contact with the person who was not able to appear in the true public that is the person who looked such as the lion writing a novel with this which is this which I feel very hard, and lived in front of mother, and oneself is seen so in mother when I know mother who was not able to meet a family until it is to a human being proper as an unpleasant member of society when sympathized with from the circumference is so
There was not the help
I support that contact me if is good, and maemukito@yahoo.co.jp you do that got the face which took from the parent when the face is prohibited fixed, and is small, but when give money, and it may be possible, it, please try the thing which I want hard because it is necessary, and I live with effort, too; with effort with effort
People who looked such as the lion which people such as the lion cannot enter all, and a face was writing the truth novel that their existence contributes to the fact that social Japan such as China and Korea is different from China and Korea without the significant existence that is people who any existence is writing a novel in it that a face let people such as the lion join it in Japan, and look similar contribute to the fact
There was not the help
I support that contact me if is good, and maemukito@yahoo.co.jp you do that got the face which took from the parent when the face is prohibited fixed, and is small, but when give money, and it may be possible, it, please try the thing which I want hard because it is necessary, and I live with effort, too; with effort with effort
People who looked such as the lion which people such as the lion cannot enter all, and a face was writing the truth novel that their existence contributes to the fact that social Japan such as China and Korea is different from China and Korea without the significant existence that is people who any existence is writing a novel in it that a face let people such as the lion join it in Japan, and look similar contribute to the fact
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