/jp/ mansion
2019/01/28(Mon) 14:24:11.27 /jp/ is one of the top 5 English-language imageboards in the known universe. This is the place to discuss /jp/ and /jp/-related topics on 5ch.
2019/01/28(Mon) 15:57:50.28 where's my idol board
2019/01/28(Mon) 21:31:59.29 Why is this board called /img8/ if I can't post pictures?!
2019/01/28(Mon) 21:33:30.28 >>2
There are probably tons of idol boards here but they're in moonspeak.
There are probably tons of idol boards here but they're in moonspeak.
2019/01/29(Tue) 00:26:53.70 >>3
It's for "imageboard discussion". I guess this is the closest to a "net culture" board.
It's for "imageboard discussion". I guess this is the closest to a "net culture" board.
2019/01/29(Tue) 09:14:47.99 >>4
i want an english one to escape the retarded thread personalities
i want an english one to escape the retarded thread personalities
2019/01/29(Tue) 09:18:50.88 moshi moshi
2019/01/30(Wed) 09:46:20.42 Patchu best 2hu
2019/02/01(Fri) 20:14:28.94 Do you think 4chan will still be there and will still function like it functions today in 2023?
2019/02/04(Mon) 02:44:41.49 >>9
I hope not
I hope not
2019/02/04(Mon) 11:45:06.17 I like 2ch cause of how fucking far back everything is kept, all the japanese shitposting practice you want
2019/02/05(Tue) 06:11:44.18 >>9
Yeah but the website is gonna require you to pay per post, and all the pictures in every board
are going to be a new version of pepe/wojak, and everyone is gonna scream "weebshit" at
anything that even slightly resembles japanese cartoon drawings.
Yeah but the website is gonna require you to pay per post, and all the pictures in every board
are going to be a new version of pepe/wojak, and everyone is gonna scream "weebshit" at
anything that even slightly resembles japanese cartoon drawings.
2019/02/06(Wed) 03:04:58.36 >>12
Sometimes I check /v/ to see what the latest outrage is. (The last time it was about how Reimu should or shouldn't be in Smash Bros. I was surprised.)
Most of the screaming about "weebshit" used to be more obviously ironic. Now a growing proportion falls under Poe's law.
This is either an advancement in trolling or a demographic change. Probably both.
It would be perversely fascinating to see a /jp/ that hates "weebshit".
Sometimes I check /v/ to see what the latest outrage is. (The last time it was about how Reimu should or shouldn't be in Smash Bros. I was surprised.)
Most of the screaming about "weebshit" used to be more obviously ironic. Now a growing proportion falls under Poe's law.
This is either an advancement in trolling or a demographic change. Probably both.
It would be perversely fascinating to see a /jp/ that hates "weebshit".
2019/02/06(Wed) 03:14:13.52 Sorry for the random line breaks in the post above.
When I tried to post it without them I received an error message that said a line was too long.
The Japanese style of one sentence per line would probably look better.
When I tried to post it without them I received an error message that said a line was too long.
The Japanese style of one sentence per line would probably look better.
2019/02/27(Wed) 00:20:43.11 >>9
I hope so. That way, when us the real otakus make
a successful, active IB, we can tell everyone to
go back to 4chan. If 4chan dies, the cancer will
I hope so. That way, when us the real otakus make
a successful, active IB, we can tell everyone to
go back to 4chan. If 4chan dies, the cancer will
2019/02/28(Thu) 02:25:53.15 Yes, one visit to /qa/ makes you realize how necessary is containment.
For now 4chan serves this purpose.
However, containment sometimes fails.
Instead of containing the disease it becomes the place cultivating it.
If a real otaku IB appears, 4chan may be the ``ironic weeb's'' stepping stone to it.
Maybe to make a better board what you need is to get rid of (You)s.
Too many posters treat the number of (You)s like their post's score.
It would also be aligned with otaku culture since 2chan does not have post links.
For now 4chan serves this purpose.
However, containment sometimes fails.
Instead of containing the disease it becomes the place cultivating it.
If a real otaku IB appears, 4chan may be the ``ironic weeb's'' stepping stone to it.
Maybe to make a better board what you need is to get rid of (You)s.
Too many posters treat the number of (You)s like their post's score.
It would also be aligned with otaku culture since 2chan does not have post links.
2019/09/30(Mon) 20:14:47.66 The mansion lives.
2019/10/01(Tue) 00:03:56.56 Yukari is my mom.
2019/10/07(Mon) 21:00:58.58 >>15
I'm not sure that's true. If 4chan dies, a lot of the userbase may just move over to other sites for shitposting.
It would be easier for them to jump over to a site with usernames than to colonize a board designed to keep them out.
Especially if it's text only. Everyone wants to share meme images, a text BBS would frustrate that kind of usage.
I'm not sure that's true. If 4chan dies, a lot of the userbase may just move over to other sites for shitposting.
It would be easier for them to jump over to a site with usernames than to colonize a board designed to keep them out.
Especially if it's text only. Everyone wants to share meme images, a text BBS would frustrate that kind of usage.
2019/11/14(Thu) 09:52:13.71 I have been using 4ch for about 2 years. Im japanese.
The first thing that surprised me was that everyone accepted the hierarchy with whites at the top.
Whites treat blacks like insects at the site, but blacks hardly resist it.
Also, the brown people don't challenge white supremacy. They rather talk about their longing for whites.
Only one Peruvian hated and always criticized whites. The Peruvian guy were Jewish.
The person also hated Japan. He said Japanese are racist.
The first thing that surprised me was that everyone accepted the hierarchy with whites at the top.
Whites treat blacks like insects at the site, but blacks hardly resist it.
Also, the brown people don't challenge white supremacy. They rather talk about their longing for whites.
Only one Peruvian hated and always criticized whites. The Peruvian guy were Jewish.
The person also hated Japan. He said Japanese are racist.
2019/11/14(Thu) 10:17:45.51 cna i post a new thread about 4chan on this board?
2019/11/18(Mon) 20:36:44.99 >>21
You could go ahead and make one
You could go ahead and make one
2019/11/19(Tue) 11:16:46.80 >>22
2020/02/12(Wed) 02:50:08.32 darekainaino?
2020/08/26(Wed) 13:37:30.4326Anonymous
2020/09/12(Sat) 04:02:27.57 /jp/ has been filled with shitty threads and greentexting retards for years. It sucks ass.
2021/01/04(Mon) 23:15:41.49 https://i.imgur.com/xlZMr7u.jpg
Why didn't you save yuimommi from the neighborhood octopuss bullies anon?
Why didn't you save yuimommi from the neighborhood octopuss bullies anon?
2021/01/14(Thu) 10:17:20.42 /jp/ has been bad since 2012 because of bad administration.
In 2020, it is nothing but children talking about hololive.
The unique culture was destroyed around 2014.
The board has been destroyed in the past year.
In 2020, it is nothing but children talking about hololive.
The unique culture was destroyed around 2014.
The board has been destroyed in the past year.
2021/01/15(Fri) 03:53:34.94 >>20
It is only natural.
Also, I have noticed black and Chinese posters hate Japan.
Whites defend Japan often.
It is only natural.
Also, I have noticed black and Chinese posters hate Japan.
Whites defend Japan often.
2023/02/10(Fri) 17:33:03.13 >>18
In that case, you must be my stepson?
In that case, you must be my stepson?
2023/07/26(Wed) 22:24:29.76 How do you guys browse 5ch? Do you use the web site directly, or do you use a 5ch reader app?
2023/08/08(Tue) 00:37:55.37 I use the site. The styling's no longer completely busted.
2023/08/09(Wed) 02:50:29.18 you guys are too harsh on /jp/. If you ignore the hololive and the idolposters the Touhou threads are nice! The Rozen Maiden threads are nice too. /jp/ still has creativity as seen in the drawthreads and in the sittingmu and mokotaxi threads. The lorethreads encourage nice discussion. I like/jp/!
2023/08/24(Thu) 16:49:55.37 With a few userscripts, the site becomes a bit more pleasant to use.
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