/jp/ mansion
2019/01/28(Mon) 14:24:11.27 /jp/ is one of the top 5 English-language imageboards in the known universe. This is the place to discuss /jp/ and /jp/-related topics on 5ch.
2023/08/25(Fri) 16:33:05.72 nu-jaypee sucks ass
2023/08/29(Tue) 00:33:32.43 >>35
you suck ass
you suck ass
2023/09/07(Thu) 09:33:53.4138Anonymous
2023/11/06(Mon) 23:05:38.70 >>20
That's because most non-whites don't bother with the site because if you try to defend non-whites, you get swarmed by a million /pol/tards.
That's because most non-whites don't bother with the site because if you try to defend non-whites, you get swarmed by a million /pol/tards.
2023/11/06(Mon) 23:07:15.86 >>29
Yea no shit. Whites like to defend Japan because you aren't anti west like China and it's also easy to get a gf here.
Yea no shit. Whites like to defend Japan because you aren't anti west like China and it's also easy to get a gf here.
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