In what order should I learn Japanese [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

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垢版 |
2016/02/26(Fri) 19:47:42.76
I've grown up in Korea and I'm not confident in chinese character.
but I'm sure that I have enogh time to study step by step.
In what order should I learn Japanese?
垢版 |
2016/02/27(Sat) 04:41:11.60
First step is killing yourself, tbh.
垢版 |
2016/02/27(Sat) 05:42:30.73
If you're a korean, I suggest you start from the grammar. japanese and Korean is similar.
垢版 |
2016/02/27(Sat) 08:40:20.39
>>3 Will studying for JLPT helps me to take the direction?
垢版 |
2016/02/28(Sun) 00:25:03.77
>japanese and Korean is similar
Why do you think so?
垢版 |
2017/01/01(Sun) 14:21:47.59
I will do off-line meetings in 2017 with an objection (Shiya school)
I would like to be a love lover, assisting Tatsujin Shin Princess and Senba Jun - chan being attacked by the assailant
And go getting tired of having sex for the purpose is to live
Can a child who resembles come to Thread once? White people are cheap but I will rest.
There will be money
Http: //itest.2ch.net...verty/1483167715/151
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