English Speaker Here [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

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垢版 |
2016/06/26(Sun) 19:27:55.57
Currently on a study abroad trip in Japan and figured I'd drop in on the mythical 2ch.

Japanese is really hard to learn for me, but after talking with some Japanese friends I made at my college and
visiting a few schools where I got to sit in on a few classes it seems English is equally ( if not more so ) difficult than learning Japanese.

So if anyone here is looking to practice or talk you're welcome to add me on Steam, shoot me an email, or post in the thread.

Going to wait to post any of that info though until someone shows interest.

Steam is best if you want to casually talk or practice at random times though.
垢版 |
2016/06/26(Sun) 22:23:59.33
I just discovered this website.

I'm a westerner, I just wanted to remark how strange it is to think I'm posting with Japanese people.
I never see them on other imageboards.

OP, what percentage of people here would you estimate are Japanese?
垢版 |
2016/06/26(Sun) 22:45:50.52
That's actually a pretty solid question.

I'm going to say ~90% of the people here are probably Japanese.
But I feel like I'm going to learn that this board is built mostly of Americans hahah.
垢版 |
2016/06/27(Mon) 07:45:27.32
>OP, what percentage of people here would you estimate are Japanese?
Not OP, but are you talking about the site or the board?
If it's the former; probably over 85%.
If it's the latter; around 30%-50%.
Not all Americans. Europeans as well.
I'm from Western Europe myself.
垢版 |
2016/06/28(Tue) 13:00:51.66
12 language translation image board

let's play together!

垢版 |
2016/06/28(Tue) 14:23:11.00
That website looks more like reddit rather than an imageboard.
垢版 |
2016/07/01(Fri) 11:11:09.82
I don't see post upvoting or account registration system,
Oh you are one of those who are on a crusade against Reddit?
垢版 |
2016/07/01(Fri) 14:18:15.93
I meant design-wise on the front page, the site itself works quite differently.
垢版 |
2017/02/09(Thu) 02:59:56.33
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
