2023/08/05(Sat) 13:51:49.43 o
2023/08/05(Sat) 13:53:49.24 God, the thread was successfully born.
2023/08/06(Sun) 10:29:46.62 Wow...
2023/08/06(Sun) 16:15:33.98 Good attention
2023/08/06(Sun) 16:20:32.78 EK articles are interesting to read.
The reading time will be exiting from now on.
If only my brain could keep working longer...
The reading time will be exiting from now on.
If only my brain could keep working longer...
2023/08/07(Mon) 21:26:30.74 If I could work without any breaks...
2023/08/12(Sat) 02:57:43.33 busy building vocabulary
the fact that Anki takes too much time has bothered me,
and these days I've been looking for some other apps to add
the phrasal verbs are so hard and I knew Anki may have not been suitable for them
I thought I had to do some special training for them,
like making own original sentences using the phrases
but I started to doubt Anki itself and adjust some settings, meanwhile search for other apps
doing many apps at the same time would be good for me, because it can refresh my mood rather than sticking to one app
however, if I want to focus on other subjects, it might be a burden to open one app after another
anyways, the phrasal verbs come first, and I think I want to finish 789 before pass1
the fact that Anki takes too much time has bothered me,
and these days I've been looking for some other apps to add
the phrasal verbs are so hard and I knew Anki may have not been suitable for them
I thought I had to do some special training for them,
like making own original sentences using the phrases
but I started to doubt Anki itself and adjust some settings, meanwhile search for other apps
doing many apps at the same time would be good for me, because it can refresh my mood rather than sticking to one app
however, if I want to focus on other subjects, it might be a burden to open one app after another
anyways, the phrasal verbs come first, and I think I want to finish 789 before pass1
2023/08/16(Wed) 13:16:11.87 I could study for more than six hours, though I couldn't sleep very well, like four to five hours not continuously,
I think how well I can get motivated in daytime largely depends on how well I can sleep,
but sometimes an irregular happens,
in those kind of day, I feel different at an early part of the day ,
(not very sure though, sometimes my energy goes away shortly in spite of a fresh morning)
at any rate, today was a good day,
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow,
so all I wish is to make it,
I truely wish so.
I think how well I can get motivated in daytime largely depends on how well I can sleep,
but sometimes an irregular happens,
in those kind of day, I feel different at an early part of the day ,
(not very sure though, sometimes my energy goes away shortly in spite of a fresh morning)
at any rate, today was a good day,
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow,
so all I wish is to make it,
I truely wish so.
2023/08/18(Fri) 10:40:08.73 I really can't remember what I was doing when
I was a junior high student.
one of my classmates and I got closer, so I got acquainted with her cousin, then I joined her book club, and I remember writing some novel for our newsletter,
yes, I became a fan of an actor who were popular at that time, and since his movie was released, I went so far as to take a five hour trip to get a special poster
(I'm not sure the thing was a poster, but something made of paper I guess, it gave to the people who purchased advance tickets... maybe)
and I also was a member of another club, and we gathered every day and Saturdays...? and sometimes we took part in competitions, those events were held on Sundays,
sometimes I went to another friend's house and
spend most of the day,
yeah, probably I could remember more if I try,
however... I almost totally forgot what I was doing when I was at home,
I think I was not very outgoing person and I would often stayed inside my house for a whole day, but my memories come in fragments,
what did I spend my time for...?
if... I was studying, preparing for quizes and exams, that would be good,
but I can't remember at all...
I wonder if I was sleeping or daydreaming for a tremendous amount of time...
that makes more sense.
I was a junior high student.
one of my classmates and I got closer, so I got acquainted with her cousin, then I joined her book club, and I remember writing some novel for our newsletter,
yes, I became a fan of an actor who were popular at that time, and since his movie was released, I went so far as to take a five hour trip to get a special poster
(I'm not sure the thing was a poster, but something made of paper I guess, it gave to the people who purchased advance tickets... maybe)
and I also was a member of another club, and we gathered every day and Saturdays...? and sometimes we took part in competitions, those events were held on Sundays,
sometimes I went to another friend's house and
spend most of the day,
yeah, probably I could remember more if I try,
however... I almost totally forgot what I was doing when I was at home,
I think I was not very outgoing person and I would often stayed inside my house for a whole day, but my memories come in fragments,
what did I spend my time for...?
if... I was studying, preparing for quizes and exams, that would be good,
but I can't remember at all...
I wonder if I was sleeping or daydreaming for a tremendous amount of time...
that makes more sense.
2023/08/22(Tue) 19:06:32.04 the last two days were bad, almost no energy,
today was better (passable)
notwithstanding I woke up at least four times during sleeping and it was five hours in total at best,
(I thought I wouldn't get into sleep again at the fourth awaking, but thank g I could get another three hours)
though, I could do around five hours including textbooks,
and it was good that I could get foods.
today was better (passable)
notwithstanding I woke up at least four times during sleeping and it was five hours in total at best,
(I thought I wouldn't get into sleep again at the fourth awaking, but thank g I could get another three hours)
though, I could do around five hours including textbooks,
and it was good that I could get foods.
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