Where are you guys from? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
>>33 Such an active textboard, yet not in a language I could understand...
>>19 >>20 Well, shit.
Stop trying to ruin every site just because your shitty site failed, Hotwheels.
/jp/. /akbg/. Latin America.
too bad it is in japanese
Hey, I have a question. I registered myself on international dating site, though they only...ah shouldn't tell you all.
But do you feel your race is superior than Asian? Well this question is only applied to caucasian but I just wonder...
Keio > Tokyo I T > Stanford
Ah pantyhose, Inside of upper legs of mature yong lady.
Duterte a shitt. :smuggo:
Kamikozawa Kensuke Lelouch Lamperouge King Piccolo Lord Voldemort Big Brother Sauron
i live in anonymous proxy
>>39 Have a seat, right over here.
at first i was on 4chan then friend of mine showed me 8ch and since then i am on 8chan
I heard about this place on 8ch, but I don't go there very often. I spend most of my time on 4chan /a/c/jp/wsg/h/, samachan, lainchan and sushigirl.us
I am from the at least 1000km away from the sun.
How to post on 5chan normal boards?