Comfy Thread [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/06/12(Fri) 21:53:35.27 How comfy are you doing today?
2015/06/12(Fri) 22:01:32.91 I am very comfy in here. Even the text is comfy to look at.
2015/06/12(Fri) 22:26:42.96 Testing
2015/06/12(Fri) 22:28:28.89 Remember to take it easy!
2015/06/13(Sat) 11:41:24.64 Today was mostly stressful. But I'm thinking of going to bed soon and then maybe I'll be comfy, it's a bit hot though.
I agree that this is a pretty comfy site. I've never delved much into 2ch because I can't read kanji but these new english boards are nice.
I agree that this is a pretty comfy site. I've never delved much into 2ch because I can't read kanji but these new english boards are nice.
2015/06/13(Sat) 21:47:57.69 >>5
Yeah even if 8ch remains up I'll try getting some translated 2ch stuff out so people know what to do easier. Maybe if I can find a coder we can make an extension in english or something.
Yeah even if 8ch remains up I'll try getting some translated 2ch stuff out so people know what to do easier. Maybe if I can find a coder we can make an extension in english or something.
2015/06/14(Sun) 00:05:41.888Anonymous
2015/06/14(Sun) 03:10:31.07 gombfy
2015/06/14(Sun) 04:42:35.63 Posting on 2ch for weeabo cred.
2015/06/14(Sun) 04:47:33.28 >>9
I wish the buttons and such would be translated to English.
I wish the buttons and such would be translated to English.
2015/06/14(Sun) 05:39:14.27 I didn't bathe, I'm not drunk enough, and that stupid agar game is frustrating me.
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