Comfy Thread [転載禁止]©2ch.net
0036Anonymous垢版2016/09/22(Thu) 00:56:59.05
Ever toss your cigarette butt out the window when you're driving, then a few minutes later you smell something and look back, only to find your grandma fingering herself in the back seat?
0037Anonymous垢版2016/09/22(Thu) 13:22:48.05
Only happened to me once before, but it was the most traumatic thing ever. I also once threw a bottle of vodka out the window hoping it would land in a ditch, but I missed and it shattered all over the road and I felt really guilty.

Also test
0039Anonymous垢版2018/04/21(Sat) 19:59:40.26
0041Anonymous垢版2021/05/16(Sun) 01:36:23.51
0042Anonymous (2級)垢版2021/06/01(Tue) 03:16:32.42

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0.23, 0.23, 0.24(2027.898438) Proc. [0.226808 sec.]
