Have you taken the Phíl pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The Phíl pill was founded in 1983 by Sir Felipe Cólins, who presents and narrates the attached text.
Forget red and blue pills, Phíl pills are the way of the future.
Text related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the Phíl pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin 2ch maymays, this one is the readl deal.nignggigger
Phil Collins [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/02/17(Fri) 12:21:59.77レスを投稿する
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