General rules Hilgaedai Chapter 1
Article 1 The board treats the question concerning the law and the answer to this.
The person who came to the Ni article board for the first time peruses 【 guideline 】.
Article 3 The topic of the qualification acquisition : the topic of study concerning the law to the topic of the bar examination please in 【 qualification whole board 】 in 【 law board 】 in 【 bar examination board 】.
Article 4 When appropriate Sre is not understood, let's use 【 guide board 】 or 【 autonomy Sre 】.
Chapter 2 Questioner
Article 5 Let's consult the specialist of the lawyer etc. about a serious question.
Article 6 After it arranges it regardless of an advantageous disadvantage in general, let's question on information.
Article 7 Please write the movement also to movement former Sre and moving destination Sre when you move Sre.
Article 8 Please declare so with pertinent Sre when the answer becomes unnecessary.
Article 9 Do not swallow the answer obtained with the board on trust.
Article 10 It is a prohibition to put up question Sre of single-engined only for me.
Article 11 It is a prohibition to ask the same question with two or more Sre (multi post).
Chapter 3 Those who answer
Please do not answer when not understanding the tenth Ni article.
Article 13 When answering, let's try like showing a well-grounded text.
Please thoroughly disregard or leave Article 14 ruining and the fuel. Moreover, please note ruining that takes off those who answer.
Article 15 Please do not answer when the questioner does the act in contradiction to regulations of Article 11 from Article 6.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2005/10/13(木) 23:23:16ID:Dlb+W6nt0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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