japanese leftypol wwwwww [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/02/17(Fri) 19:13:16.48 JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!!!
2017/02/21(Tue) 03:34:48.70 go back to leftypol faggot
2017/02/28(Tue) 02:14:35.67 You don't even know what Kenmou is, >>2.
2017/03/01(Wed) 05:41:30.69 oh god what is this i dont even know how its all in gobbledegook
2017/03/01(Wed) 05:46:27.51 It has a better naming sense than leftypol, that's for sure.
Revolution News and poverty sound a lot cooler.
Revolution News and poverty sound a lot cooler.
2017/03/01(Wed) 05:48:12.35 This is our home now.
2017/03/01(Wed) 06:25:32.75 Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!
Arise, ye wretched of the earth!
For justice thunders condemnation:
A better world's in birth!
No more tradition's chains shall bind us;
Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall!
The earth shall rise on new foundations:
We have been nought, we shall be all!
'Tis the final conflict;
Let each stand in his place.
The International working class
Shall be the human race!
'Tis the final conflict;
Let each stand in his place.
The International working class
Shall be the human race!
Arise, ye wretched of the earth!
For justice thunders condemnation:
A better world's in birth!
No more tradition's chains shall bind us;
Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall!
The earth shall rise on new foundations:
We have been nought, we shall be all!
'Tis the final conflict;
Let each stand in his place.
The International working class
Shall be the human race!
'Tis the final conflict;
Let each stand in his place.
The International working class
Shall be the human race!
2017/03/01(Wed) 08:40:50.13 lost and slightly terrified
2017/03/01(Wed) 08:57:27.0810Anonymous
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:07:37.56 Reminder that Stalin did nothing wrong and that all you anarchists are going straight to the gulag once we win.
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:09:58.8412Anonymous
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:13:17.6813Anonymous
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:18:21.2914Anonymous
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:24:30.1815Anonymous
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:31:03.6316Anonymous
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:44:50.89 This shit board doesn't allow Japanese characters!
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:49:31.0218Anonymous
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:53:09.55 >>16
All of these English boards but VIP don't.
All of these English boards but VIP don't.
2017/03/01(Wed) 09:56:25.77 Revolution against right wing authoritarian goverments for the purpose of replacing them with left wing authoritarian goverments is not revolution at all.
2017/03/01(Wed) 10:00:26.84 Tell that to the homeless man freezing to death on the pavement.
The abolition of capitalist exploitation is too important to risk it falling apart due to narcho disorganization - or even worse, for it to be reconstituted by them, as half of you seem to be marketfags.
The abolition of capitalist exploitation is too important to risk it falling apart due to narcho disorganization - or even worse, for it to be reconstituted by them, as half of you seem to be marketfags.
2017/03/01(Wed) 10:11:06.7922Anonymous
2017/03/02(Thu) 03:54:27.64 I can now draw and shitpost at the same time. Amazing.
2017/03/26(Sun) 00:57:26.92 year
2017/03/26(Sun) 04:45:10.74 Fuck you and your retarded ideology that was attempted over and over again but never was accomplished. Fuck off. 14/88.
2017/03/28(Tue) 03:36:27.56 if you fags want communism, go to north korea, its 100% communism, u can thank me later
2017/05/10(Wed) 23:01:20.00 even north koreans disagree with that lmfao
2017/05/10(Wed) 23:02:05.17 >>24
meanwhile your ideology is even bad on paper
meanwhile your ideology is even bad on paper
2017/07/16(Sun) 20:34:03.6829Anonymous
2018/11/18(Sun) 19:08:33.8230Anonymous
2021/04/02(Fri) 05:21:23.37 >>25
if you fags want capitalism, go to somalia, its 100% capitalism, u can thank me later
if you fags want capitalism, go to somalia, its 100% capitalism, u can thank me later
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