A laser weapon is used to shoot down a hypersonic missile carrying a nuclear warhead.
The location is in space, and as the missile gains altitude, a chemical laser from outer space will target the fuel tank and destroy it.
Generally, lasers are diffused by the atmosphere, weakening their power.
However, as the altitude increases, the atmospheric pressure decreases, and in space, the atmospheric pressure is zero.
Therefore, when a laser is irradiated from space onto a missile in the atmosphere, the energy will reach the target without significant attenuation.
The number of space laser cannons required, derived from the range and angle of incidence, and the effect of space radiation on the agent are unknown.
However, when we asked the chat AI, it replied that it is possible to shoot them down in this way.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Space Weapons Plan
2023/03/15(Wed) 04:21:10.41レスを投稿する
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