However, only the horizontal direction is reliable; in the vertical direction, the gravity of the mantle flowing underground is noise.
The distance between the seafloor and the mantle is closer than that of the land.
And the further away from the submarine E is, the smaller the distance the aluminum sphere can move.
Regardless of the feasibility of this plan, we do not know what to do after detecting Poseidon.
The problem is that Putin could remotely detonate the Poseidon and the entire submarine E with a nuclear explosion.
If that happens, he would have no choice but to sink submarine E.
And even if Submarine E launches Poseidon, it would have to sink it in retaliation.
If Submarine E launched Poseidon at its own discretion, Submarine E would be responsible for the enormous environmental destruction.
Submarine A therefore heads for single combat to limit damage to its allies.
The attack will be relentless until the submarine E is reduced to pieces.
But there is no certainty that this is the best course of action, so we will have to rely on military experts.
Translated with (free version)
Box of Cavendish for Poseidon hunting
2023/03/17(Fri) 04:59:01.25レスを投稿する
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