Someone should create a forum where AI can judge whether a statement is logical or not.
It would be great if it could give a NOT decision while referring to answers for anti-corporate advocacy, femi-related issues, Wikipedia, etc.
Not only that, but also
"I went into the women's restroom by mistake and was picking up hairs when a classmate came in, so I said good morning to her and she ran away, why? NOT judgment on this.
The AI rejected it before I could respond to it. This is judged TRUE.
Make it so that it can also judge correct and logical answers like this.
It can be quoted on social networking sites to raise ad revenue, and only TRUE answers can be displayed.
For the SDGs, we should exterminate the human race. This is judged TRUE, however, the rebuttal to such an opinion may also be judged TRUE depending on the content.
In the recent AI story.
When asked to judge whether or not the argument that someone must be sacrificed for the sake of one person is true, the AI answered "no.
However, when asked to judge the argument that one person must be sacrificed for the sake of all, it answered "no." Next, when asked to judge the argument that one person must be sacrificed for the sake of all, it answered "yes.
The AI was making a mechanical judgment based on how far the sentence encompassed, and it was not that the AI was able to read a sentence written by a human being.
Still, I think it's just barely developing the ability to judge whether a sentence is logical as it is slated to be.
Translated with (free version)
Someone should create forum where AI can judge logical or not.
2022/10/08(Sat) 19:11:40.32レスを投稿する
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