datv mystery hour
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:00:17.43 datv mystery hour
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:09:11.06 a.sori is god
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:15:20.70 Is Takashi the King of Debate dead?
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:16:54.12 I stopped supporting datv.
I will support Ken from now on.
I will support Ken from now on.
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:18:53.57 Lady SORI is beautiful and smart.
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:21:26.36 Do you know what takeshi is looking at here from the other side?
He is sounding the warning bells for those of you who are about to go astray as human beings.
I hope you realize that soon.
He is sounding the warning bells for those of you who are about to go astray as human beings.
I hope you realize that soon.
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:22:43.00 Let's say karata has a boyfriend, and he asks her out on a date, and after all the time and effort, she finally worships him, only to find that his nipples are dark... well, he would be disappointed, wouldn't he?
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:25:56.90 I don't want another datv thread.
The momentum of the past is gone, and it's been boring since the new members came in.
I enjoyed the messy relationships between men and women, but now it's all so much clearer.
The momentum of the past is gone, and it's been boring since the new members came in.
I enjoyed the messy relationships between men and women, but now it's all so much clearer.
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:28:29.45 I think a lot of the early listeners were mature and thoughtful.
I'm not saying who, but I think the listeners who entered the Mystery Hour scene from the Muroran area set the direction of the Mystery Hour, for better or for worse.
They're all like a bunch of approval-seeking, self-aggrandizing people.
I'm not saying who, but I think the listeners who entered the Mystery Hour scene from the Muroran area set the direction of the Mystery Hour, for better or for worse.
They're all like a bunch of approval-seeking, self-aggrandizing people.
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:30:04.74 It's a real shame that the smart and handsome Zabby Shinyama has graduated from datv.
2022/03/17(Thu) 19:35:04.39 My boyfriend, he likes ken.
I heard it's really popular at school.
And youtubers like retro radio and hajige.
I heard it's really popular at school.
And youtubers like retro radio and hajige.
2022/03/17(Thu) 20:20:14.23 Hello
2022/03/17(Thu) 21:43:34.05 Humidifier in operation
2022/03/17(Thu) 22:14:40.50 Are there any good looking guys on this Youtuber channel?
2022/03/19(Sat) 22:18:43.16 Keiko is a very beautiful woman.
2022/04/17(Sun) 19:44:41.33 hello
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